How do I place an order?

Artworks can be added to your shopping basket in two ways:

  1. Via the Product page
  2. Via the Artists storefront

Adding artworks to your basket from the Product page

  1. Visit the product page for the artwork you are interested in purchasing
  2. After you have reviewed all the provided details and are happy, click the button to right of the artwork image that says 'Add to basket'

Adding artworks to your basket from the Artists storefront

  1. Browse artworks via your favourite artists storefront
  2. Locate the artwork you are interested in purchasing
  3. Click the shopping basket icon to add this to your basket

After you have added an artwork to your basket

You will automatically be taken to your shopping basket (, which looks like the image below. When you are ready to complete your purchase, simply click the 'Checkout' button to enter the secure checkout process, where you will be asked to provide your payment and delivery details.

If you would like to continue shopping before purchasing, simply click the 'Continue Shopping' button. 

To remove the artwork from your basket, simply click the 'Remove' link located to the right hand side of the artwork image, below the price.

Once your basket is empty, click the 'Continue Shopping' button.

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