How to contact Artfinder Support & Operations Team

We're here for you!

How to get in touch?

  • Email:
  • Call UK freephone: 0800 133 7434 
  • Call UK mobile and international: +44 207 713 0023 
  • Call US/Canada Toll Free: 1 844 888 4748 

When to expect a response?

If you contact us by phone, we’ll do our best to resolve your query on a call. Our phone service operates Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm BST (UTC +1). Anything that cannot be resolved on a call and requires further investigation will be looked into within the next 3 working days after your call, however usually much faster! 

If you contact us by email, please allow up to 3 working days to receive a response. Our email service hours are Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 5.30 pm BST (UTC +1). 

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