Artfinder is open!
Artfinder is open
As art exhibitions and fairs around the world are cancelled, online platforms become even more important than ever for supporting artists and small businesses around the world.
We've taken measures to make sure that Artfinder stays open throughout this crisis, no matter how long it lasts. Here are some extra measures we are taking to make sure your art reaches you safely and as quickly as possible.
Deliveries continue as normal and we monitor this daily
If you do have a question about the delivery of an artwork, the best place to start is by messaging the artist. If you require further assistance our team is here to help. Please email us at
100% money-back guarantee and more flexible returns
All Artfinder orders are subject to a 100% money-back guarantee. If your order is affected by a significant delay, our artists and Customer Care team will work with you to put this right. If the artwork cannot reach you for whatever reason we will refund you in full, including the shipping cost.
We have also reviewed our returns policy and are making our internal process even more flexible. Specifically, if you’re unable to ship back your work due to local restrictions, no problem. All we ask is that you get in touch with us within the 14-day returns period and we will work with you to find the next possible slot to ship the artwork back to the artist.
Independent artists need your support now more than ever
Online sales are one of the most important lifelines for many of our artists. ‘Micro-sellers’, as they are sometimes referred to, depend on continued custom from art lovers and customers. I hope you join us in supporting our incredible community at this difficult time.
With health authorities, governments and organisations working tirelessly to control this pandemic, our artists continue to create beautiful artwork. Artwork that has the power to inspire us all, bring joy and hope to our lives. Qualities we all so desperately need, especially at this difficult time.