How is the cost of shipping calculated?

As all artworks sold on Artfinder are dispatched directly from the artists, the prices and the shipping destinations depend on them.

You are able to verify shipping prices and destinations under the Shipping tab on the artwork listing:

As well as the actual shipping cost dictated by the courier used for shipping which takes into account the size and weight of the artwork, the artist needs to factor in Delivery Duty Paid (pre-paid customs) if applicable, packaging, and any insurance into their shipping prices. Prices will also depend on where the artist is based in relation to the customer.

When the shipping costs less than what the artist estimated and charged at checkout, artists will partially refund the difference and update customers directly.

Some artists may be willing to negotiate - should you come across some art you would like to purchase where the shipping cost is discouraging you, I invite you to message them directly to discuss. Please kindly note that lower shipping costs may mean that artists will need to send the artwork via a slower delivery method, or that you will be responsible for paying any customs charges yourself if they haven't been included in the shipping.

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